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Công Khanh
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About eClinic

Application for Doctors, clinics completely free:
- Created into good room management,
- Create and manage categories: Medicines and Medical supplies, Clinical services, diagnostics, Customers, employees, ...
- Indication for subclinical, print order form
- Make prescriptions, print prescriptions
- Manage revenue and expenditure, print receipts
- Manage and grant access accounts for employees
- Report in real time the situation of drug use, disease situation, revenue and expenditure of the clinic, ...

Application for Doctors, clinics completely free:
- Create a good room management,
- Create and manage categories: Medicines and Medical supplies, Clinical services, diagnostics, Customers, employees, ...
- Indication for subclinical, print order form
- Make prescriptions, print prescriptions
- Manage revenue and expenditures, print receipts
- Manage and grant access accounts for employees
- Report in real time the situation of drug use, disease situation, revenue and expenditure of the clinic, ...