This Android application is an Explanation of the Fatawa of Imam Al-Ghozali By Mustafa Mahmoud Abu-Sway. In Pdf format.
The Book of Fatawa Imam al-Ghazali is a book that brings together several fatwas of Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Ghazali al-Thusi (450-505 H) on fiqh problems according to the Shafi'i school. In this book there are as many as 190 problems that have been explained by Imam al-Ghazali based on the questions presented to him.
As we know, Imam al-Ghazali is a leading fiqh scholar in the Shafi'i sect. His jurisprudence books such as al-al-Basith, al-Wasith and Wajiz have become the main references of scholars after him.
This Fatawa book can be categorized as a rare book, because it is difficult to get it. Not like his other books such as Ihya' 'Ulumiddin and his Sufism works are widely circulated in the market, either in Arabic or translated into various languages.
As far as the information I can find, there is an edition of this book that has been printed and copied in a Pdf file. This book was verified by Musthafa Mahmud Abu Shawi and published by Ma'ahad al-'Ali al-'Alami li al-Fikr wa al-Hadharah al-Islamiyyah (ISTAC), Kuala Lumpur in 1996. For more information about the book this and read its contents, please download this book from the link below. Hopefully, with the existence of this book, it can be a testament of blessing and perpetuate the knowledge of the scholars who are the heirs of the Prophets.
Hopefully, the content of this application can be useful for self-introspection and better self-improvement in everyday life.
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Happy reading.
All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the respective creators. We aim to share knowledge and facilitate learning for readers with this application, so there is no download feature in this application. If you are the copyright holder of the content files found in this application and do not like your content to be displayed, please contact us via email developer and let us know about the status of your ownership of the content.
The Book of Fatawa Imam al-Ghazali is a book that brings together several fatwas of Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Ghazali al-Thusi (450-505 H) on fiqh problems according to the Shafi'i school. In this book there are as many as 190 problems that have been explained by Imam al-Ghazali based on the questions presented to him.
As we know, Imam al-Ghazali is a leading fiqh scholar in the Shafi'i sect. His jurisprudence books such as al-al-Basith, al-Wasith and Wajiz have become the main references of scholars after him.
This Fatawa book can be categorized as a rare book, because it is difficult to get it. Not like his other books such as Ihya' 'Ulumiddin and his Sufism works are widely circulated in the market, either in Arabic or translated into various languages.
As far as the information I can find, there is an edition of this book that has been printed and copied in a Pdf file. This book was verified by Musthafa Mahmud Abu Shawi and published by Ma'ahad al-'Ali al-'Alami li al-Fikr wa al-Hadharah al-Islamiyyah (ISTAC), Kuala Lumpur in 1996. For more information about the book this and read its contents, please download this book from the link below. Hopefully, with the existence of this book, it can be a testament of blessing and perpetuate the knowledge of the scholars who are the heirs of the Prophets.
Hopefully, the content of this application can be useful for self-introspection and better self-improvement in everyday life.
Please give us comments and input for the development of this application, give us a 5-star rating to give us a sense of enthusiasm in developing other useful applications.
Happy reading.
All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the respective creators. We aim to share knowledge and facilitate learning for readers with this application, so there is no download feature in this application. If you are the copyright holder of the content files found in this application and do not like your content to be displayed, please contact us via email developer and let us know about the status of your ownership of the content.
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