= Function =
The following 11 items can be calculated.
1. BMI, standard weight (IBW)
2. Harris-Benedict equation
3. NPC / N ratio
4. QUICKI, HOMA-IR, HOMA-β, Insulinogenic Index
5. FENa
6. FECa,% TRP
7. Friedewald formula
8. FIB-4 index
9.3 Initial administration rate of 3% saline solution
10. Plasma osmolality
11. Exercise heat consumption
= Precautions =
This application is made by an individual. Although it is intended to be useful in medical treatment, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. When using it, please use it at your own risk. The creator is not responsible for any damage caused by this application.
The following 11 items can be calculated.
1. BMI, standard weight (IBW)
2. Harris-Benedict equation
3. NPC / N ratio
4. QUICKI, HOMA-IR, HOMA-β, Insulinogenic Index
5. FENa
6. FECa,% TRP
7. Friedewald formula
8. FIB-4 index
9.3 Initial administration rate of 3% saline solution
10. Plasma osmolality
11. Exercise heat consumption
= Precautions =
This application is made by an individual. Although it is intended to be useful in medical treatment, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. When using it, please use it at your own risk. The creator is not responsible for any damage caused by this application.
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