LOADS is a quick reference source for selecting structural loads for the analysis and design of buildings and similar structures. This application provides the following load types:
-Over 200 different Dead loads of common
building materials and building assemblies
sorted in 20 categories;
-Over 80 different Live loads per the standard
ASCE 7-05 Minimum Design Loads for
Buildings and Other Structures used by the
currently adopted 2009 International Building
Code (IBC);
-Wind loads per the standard ASCE 7-05 used
by the currently adopted 2009 IBC Code, searched by 3098
-Ground Snow loads per the standard ASCE
7-05 used by the currently adopted 2009 IBC
Code, searched by 3098 Counties;
-Seismic acceleration properties Ss and S1
based on the USGS 2002 Hazard Data,
searched by over 41,000 Zip Codes.
Loads can be shown in either US or SI units.
A Save button on the menu screen saves the user’s input as defaults for future use. No need to retype data every time the app is started.
A Preferences screen allows user selection for either US or SI units, as well as preferred input values.
A Help screen provides instruction for the use of the app.
-Over 200 different Dead loads of common
building materials and building assemblies
sorted in 20 categories;
-Over 80 different Live loads per the standard
ASCE 7-05 Minimum Design Loads for
Buildings and Other Structures used by the
currently adopted 2009 International Building
Code (IBC);
-Wind loads per the standard ASCE 7-05 used
by the currently adopted 2009 IBC Code, searched by 3098
-Ground Snow loads per the standard ASCE
7-05 used by the currently adopted 2009 IBC
Code, searched by 3098 Counties;
-Seismic acceleration properties Ss and S1
based on the USGS 2002 Hazard Data,
searched by over 41,000 Zip Codes.
Loads can be shown in either US or SI units.
A Save button on the menu screen saves the user’s input as defaults for future use. No need to retype data every time the app is started.
A Preferences screen allows user selection for either US or SI units, as well as preferred input values.
A Help screen provides instruction for the use of the app.
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