SUS Imposter but FNF Character icon

SUS Imposter but FNF Character

Evil eyes
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100,000+ downloads

About SUS Imposter but FNF Character

Imposter, who was evilly painted on the spaceship on Friday night, is ready to go, you go use this killer to destroy as much as you want!
on this app, you can TEST some special Imposter
For example, Red Imposter, Green Imposter, Dark Imposter, Monster Imposter, SUS.
Q: what is FNF Character TEST?
A: FNF TEST is same as whitty, Ruv,Selever, Garcello etc. character TEST, you can press up, down, right and left to singing
source MOD: VS Impostor V3

Hope you like this app XD

SUS Imposter but FNF Character Screenshots