Ticket Status Mauritius icon

Ticket Status Mauritius

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About Ticket Status Mauritius

This app allows you to scan any ticket issued in Mauritius and check its' status other than checking them on the internet/different websites.
Supported Platforms For Mauritius Tickets Are Listed Below :

Scannable :
1. Footy Ticket
2. Playonline Ltd Ticket
3. Totelepep/Sportslepep Ticket
4. Stevenhills Ticket
5. Superscore/Supertote Ticket
6. Value Plus Ticket

Quick Scan Result/Access By Tirage Dates :
1. LotoTech
2. LotoVert

Barcode Numbers Derived:
Coming soon for below platforms :
1. Booksystem Ticket
2. Bosco Ltd Ticket

Ticket Status Mauritius Screenshots