-- Fantazio de Esperanto (Esperanto Fantasy) --
Esperanto-language vocabulary practicing tool.
This is an alternative to flash-cards, presented more colorfully, and in a game-like way. Text and audio are available for the vocabulary words.
Categories included currently are:
* Food (Manĝaĵoj)
* Numbers (Nombroj)
* Clothes (Vestoj)
* Colors (Koloroj)
* Animals (Bestoj)
Features cute original pixel art by Rachel and music by tgfcoder.
Translations by Rachel & Tea
Testing by Enmanuel Toribio
By Rachel J. Morris / Moosader
Esperanto-language vocabulary practicing tool.
This is an alternative to flash-cards, presented more colorfully, and in a game-like way. Text and audio are available for the vocabulary words.
Categories included currently are:
* Food (Manĝaĵoj)
* Numbers (Nombroj)
* Clothes (Vestoj)
* Colors (Koloroj)
* Animals (Bestoj)
Features cute original pixel art by Rachel and music by tgfcoder.
Translations by Rachel & Tea
Testing by Enmanuel Toribio
By Rachel J. Morris / Moosader
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