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Caliphate Route Game

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About Caliphate Route Game

Caliphate Route
Conquest of the Levant: 634–641
Conquest of Egypt: 639–642
Conquest of Mesopotamia and Persia: 633–651
Conquest of Sindh: 711–714
Conquest of the Maghreb: 647–742
Conquest of Hispania and Septimania: 711–721
the Rashidun conquests, Umayyad dynasty,Ottoman Empire
from level 1 to 8 epoch from 633 to 752, Conquest of arabia, iraq, syria, jerusalem, anatolia, egypt, khorasan, Magrheb, Spain, level 9 and 10 direct the Ottoman troupe from 1299 to 1708 and more 9 level Mamluk Sultanate ,Tang Dynasty

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