غازی اردو ناول: ایک اور بہترین اردو ناول جیسے ابو شجاع ابو وقار نے لکھا اور ہم جسے آپ سب کے لیے موبائل ایپ میں متعارف کروا رہے ہیں۔ اس ناول ایپ کی بہت ساری خصوصیات ہیں، جیسے آپ اس ناول کو بغیر انٹرنیٹ کے اور انٹرنیٹ کے ساتھ پڑھ سکتے ہیں، بغیر انٹرنیٹ کے پڑھنے کے لئے آپ کو اس ناول کی گرافکس ڈاون لوڈ کروانی ہو گی۔ اس ایپ میں آپ کسی بھی وقت ڈاون لوڈنگ کو روک سکتے ہیں اور جتنے صفحات ڈاون لوڈ ہو چکے تھے آپ انہیں پڑھ سکتے ہیں۔ اور اگلی دفعہ ڈاون لوڈ اسی صفحہ سے شروع ہوگی جہاں پچھلی دفعہ روکی تھی، دن اور رات کو پڑھنے کے لئے الگ الگ سٹائل۔ مخصوص صفحہ نمبر پر جائے، زوم کرنے کی سہولت، جہاں آخری دفعہ پڑھنا چھوڑا وہ صفحہ خود بخود محفوظ ہو جائے اور بے شمار مزید خصوصیات کے ساتھ ۔ ابھی ایپ ڈاون لوڈ کریں اور ناول پڑھنا شروع کریں۔
Beautiful and Famous Urdu Novel Ghazi written by by Abu Shuja Abu Waqar and PakApps developed this interesting urdu novel app for android users. Abu Shuja Abu Waqar is a Famous Novel writer, His real name is Saleem, who wrote successful jasoosi novels, such as, Ghazi and Janbaz. This Ghaazi Novel App has many exciting and interesting features that other novel apps don’t have these, such as: Online and Offline reading modes, Download graphics for offline reading, user can cancel downloading anytime before completion and can read already downloaded pages and next time downloading will start from the same page where it left last time. Day and night reading modes, Pinch Zoom, swipe left / right for move on next and previous pages, Jump on specific page by GOTO feature, auto save last read page position for Resume Reading feature and many more. Now Read Novel on your mobile anywhere everywhere without internet.
- Read Online and Offline
- Downloading for Offline reading with resume feature
- Auto Saved Last Read Position
- Goto on Specific Page
- Day and Night Reading Mode
- Zooming for Better Reading
- Swipe left or right for next or previous page
- Beautiful and High Quality Graphics
- Free App with advertisement support
- Read Offline (1st time download required only)
Beautiful and Famous Urdu Novel Ghazi written by by Abu Shuja Abu Waqar and PakApps developed this interesting urdu novel app for android users. Abu Shuja Abu Waqar is a Famous Novel writer, His real name is Saleem, who wrote successful jasoosi novels, such as, Ghazi and Janbaz. This Ghaazi Novel App has many exciting and interesting features that other novel apps don’t have these, such as: Online and Offline reading modes, Download graphics for offline reading, user can cancel downloading anytime before completion and can read already downloaded pages and next time downloading will start from the same page where it left last time. Day and night reading modes, Pinch Zoom, swipe left / right for move on next and previous pages, Jump on specific page by GOTO feature, auto save last read page position for Resume Reading feature and many more. Now Read Novel on your mobile anywhere everywhere without internet.
- Read Online and Offline
- Downloading for Offline reading with resume feature
- Auto Saved Last Read Position
- Goto on Specific Page
- Day and Night Reading Mode
- Zooming for Better Reading
- Swipe left or right for next or previous page
- Beautiful and High Quality Graphics
- Free App with advertisement support
- Read Offline (1st time download required only)
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