In a future the past forgot, one lone hacker seeks to take down a corrupt mega-corporation from the inside. Take hold of your NeonBolter and dash through the evil AlphaCorp's Ultranet, stealing precious credits and using them to buy new weapons, armor, and more! Explore the everbranching portals of TheMainframe! Leap from building to building in the SkylineSector! Plunge into the green gloom of the CyberTunnels! Battle the endless void of space itself in the OrbitalStation! Exact your righteous vengeance in beautiful retro 80's neon glow!
- A satisfying blend of procedurally generated and hand-crafted levels set in a wide variety of themes and flavors.
- Procedurally generated weapons and armor, each more different and devastating than the last.
-Totally radical parkour movement style including jumping, wallrunning, climbing, and vaulting.
-Mega sweet retro graphics done in a neo-80's aesthetic.
-An original soundtrack from legendary J-Apollo Productions. Get it at:
- A satisfying blend of procedurally generated and hand-crafted levels set in a wide variety of themes and flavors.
- Procedurally generated weapons and armor, each more different and devastating than the last.
-Totally radical parkour movement style including jumping, wallrunning, climbing, and vaulting.
-Mega sweet retro graphics done in a neo-80's aesthetic.
-An original soundtrack from legendary J-Apollo Productions. Get it at:
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