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This includes stories in the fields of physics, nanotechnology, electronics, space and earth sciences, biology, chemistry, computer sciences, engineering, mathematics, etc.
Readers may rate, bookmark and share favorite stories from the app.
The Phys.org app is ads-free.
Access to Phys.org's full content is available with the monthly subscription plan for just $0.99. Free app content is limited to selected spotlight stories. Your first subscription week is free.
Alternatively you can browse the mobile website at https://m.phys.org/ or follow this publication in Google News app: https://news.google.com/publications/CAAqBwgKMKWw6QMwpv4c
Note for Huawei users: Subscription processing may not work correctly on some Huawei devices. If you see an error after the subscription has been processed, try to clear the app cache and/or data. You may also uninstall and reinstall the app. This should in most cases solve the problem.
Questions and feedback: https://sciencex.com/help/feedback/
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