In the era of 4IR, learning must capitalise on the advancement of technology in promoting authentic, innovative, personalised and flexible T&L approaches. Physical and virtual collaborative learning
spaces such as learning commons and maker spaces offer authentic learning experiences that simulate real-world challenges. These spaces facilitate activities that enhance students’ comprehension as well as help them acquire necessary skills that are immediately applicable in the real world. These learning spaces act as innovative hubs that enable students to study, discover, create, collaborate and socialise effectively. Hence, HLIs need to promote the following innovative learning delivery methods in driving future-oriented T&L.
spaces such as learning commons and maker spaces offer authentic learning experiences that simulate real-world challenges. These spaces facilitate activities that enhance students’ comprehension as well as help them acquire necessary skills that are immediately applicable in the real world. These learning spaces act as innovative hubs that enable students to study, discover, create, collaborate and socialise effectively. Hence, HLIs need to promote the following innovative learning delivery methods in driving future-oriented T&L.
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