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Games for Primary School (3-5)

Promethean Limited
500+ downloads

About Games for Primary School (3-5)

Challenge your 3rd- 5th graders with the game-based assessments in Alien Race. This app has 15 quizzes covering a variety of topics in Math, Science and Language Arts.
Learning is fun and easy with this exciting competition!  Players are Space Aliens competing in a race. Correct responses move players closer to the finish line, while incorrect answers prevent further progress. The winner of the race correctly answers all questions in the shortest amount of time.
Assessments featured under Alien Race include:
- Suffixes
- Prefixes
- Homophones
- Adaptations
- External Plant Structures- Part 1
- External Plant Structures- Part 2
- Internal Plant Structures: Flowers and Fruits
- Plant Growth
- Life Cycles
- Animal Senses: Sight
- Animals and Energy – 5th Grade Science
- Measuring Angles to the Whole Number
- Classifying Two-Dimensional Figures
- Scaling Down – Multiplying by a fraction less < 1
- Division of a Unit Fraction by Non zero Whole #
Engage your students by gamifying their learning experience!

Games for Primary School (3-5) Screenshots

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