Learning first aid made easy
When was the last time you took a first aid course? Do you remember how to behave properly in an emergency? Our information for first aiders introduces you to important first aid topics.
In 360° scenes we show you, for example, the right reaction after a fall or a sports accident. Interactive action areas give you the opportunity to test and apply your knowledge. So you can easily refresh your knowledge or gain new ones.
Prevent accidents involving children
In another scene you see sources of accidents that endanger children in particular. Find the greatest accident risks in a playful way and learn how you can ensure more safety for your family with simple steps.
Virtual reality
You can also download this app as a virtual reality app for your VR glasses at www.asb-nrw.de/erste-hilfe-vr.
Learn first aid - we'll show you how
If, after playing through the app, you are interested in attending a first-aid course or a refresher course, you can book a course with the ASB at many locations in NRW at www.asb-nrw.de/erste-hilfe.
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