Komodo Dragon Danger Sounds is a collection of Komodo Dragon attack sounds. The sounds of Komodo Dragon Danger Sounds sounds insane. Sound sane till saying while playing Komodo Dragon Danger Sounds if ya get what I'm saying.
Komodo Dragon Danger Sounds was brought to you, live in the field from our ragtag recording team. 'One armed Gembobbin', our lead boom operator lost 3 fingers to a pack of wild Geese in flock mode. The rest of his arm was taken by Gembobbinbbobbin, a lizard looking beast from the east.
Gembobbin sure is mad that Gembobbinbobbin ate his arm but that's life around Komodo Dragons and massive reptile monsters. If they don't sort it out, Gembobbinbobbinbobbin will have to come and sort GemBobbinBobbin out himself.
Please use Komodo Dragon Danger Sounds safely and be sure to remove any limbs before the Komodo Dragons venom kicks in. If you've been bitten in the field, scream and run around in circles.. Those little buggers can critter critter fritter fritter!
Komodo Dragon Danger Sounds was brought to you, live in the field from our ragtag recording team. 'One armed Gembobbin', our lead boom operator lost 3 fingers to a pack of wild Geese in flock mode. The rest of his arm was taken by Gembobbinbbobbin, a lizard looking beast from the east.
Gembobbin sure is mad that Gembobbinbobbin ate his arm but that's life around Komodo Dragons and massive reptile monsters. If they don't sort it out, Gembobbinbobbinbobbin will have to come and sort GemBobbinBobbin out himself.
Please use Komodo Dragon Danger Sounds safely and be sure to remove any limbs before the Komodo Dragons venom kicks in. If you've been bitten in the field, scream and run around in circles.. Those little buggers can critter critter fritter fritter!
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