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Tricky Ball Shooter

50+ downloads

About Tricky Ball Shooter

Tricky Balls shooter is a game you can get more than you expect. It’s suitable in many situations, whenever you are on bus, lying on bed, or waiting for someone. Open the game, time flies faster.

How to play Tricky Ball Shooter :

Aim the same color ball
Shoot balls by tap with the same color
Burst balls to get a higher score
Challenge yourself and hit the record

Features of Tricky Ball Shooter:

A easy start but hard to master
Wonderful level design
Brain training and finger exercising
Play with friends anywhere at anytime
A sense of accomplishment as scores get higher
Nice game effects when perform merging
Can be played offline.
Leaderboard to track your score globally.
Many Achievements to be unlocked.
As a merge game lover, you will fall love with this game. It bears the classic color balls gameplay of number games but makes breakthroughs in forms and levels. Don’t hesitate to download now. Hope you enjoy it!