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Syeh Abdul Qodir Jaelani

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About Syeh Abdul Qodir Jaelani

Syeh Abdul Qodir Jaelani is a highly respected cleric in Sunni circles and is a trustee in the world of tarekat and Sufism. Syeh Abdul Qodir Jaelani was born on 1 Ramadan in 470 H, 1077 AD in what is now the Province of Mazandaran in Iran which was once south of the Caspian Sea

Sheikh Abdul Qodir Jaelani at the age of 18 emigrated to leave Jilan for Baghdad in 488 H / 1095 AD In Baghdad Abdul Qodir Jaelani studied several scholars including Ibn Aqil, Abul Khatthat, Abul Husein al Farra 'and also Abu Sa' ad al Muharrimiseim. So that they can master the ushul sciences and also the differences of opinion of the scholars.

With the capabilities of Syeh Abdul Qodir Jaelani, Abu Sa'ad al Mukharrimi handed over the management of the school in the Babul azad area. Karomah from Syeh Abdul Qodir Jaelani is that until now millions of people in the world still pray for him.

sheh abdul qodir jaelani
sheikh abdul qodir jaelani

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