In the cutthroat world that revolves around the survival of the fittest principle, one courageous fighter must endure every unforgiving obstacle, every unexpected facer, to come out on top. Sperm's mission is to bring the light of life into this world. And his name is Spermy. He might be the smallest reproductive cell in the organism, yet no one should underestimate the grandiose importance of his mission. Neo-Darwinists kneel before the power of spermatogenesis, the driving force behind human evolution. And we, the pathetic common men of planet Earth, have it to thank for the simple fact of our existence. So, devote yourself to the never-ending battle for survival. Prove yourself worthy of being conceived by taking on, once more, the burden of being The Sperm. Be faster than light. Swifter than a bullet. And remember - no matter how much you struggle to achieve greatness in life, you will never reach the same level of accomplishment as before you were even born.
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