This proverb Dictionary application is a collection of proverbs in the Indonesian language is quite complete because it contains more than 1,000 proverbs.
Fill in the application of this maxim diususun alphabetically A through Z, and equipped with a search feature, so you can easily find the maxim that you want to search.
It also does not require an internet connection, so it can still be used even if you are offline.
This proverb dictionary application download now. Do not forget to rate and the review. Thank you :)
Fill in the application of this maxim diususun alphabetically A through Z, and equipped with a search feature, so you can easily find the maxim that you want to search.
It also does not require an internet connection, so it can still be used even if you are offline.
This proverb dictionary application download now. Do not forget to rate and the review. Thank you :)
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