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RoHoEn Rumble

The Firebrand Of Phoenix
5+ downloads

About RoHoEn Rumble

The legend begins!

Deep in the heart of Downtown Phoenix Arizona exists the Japanese Friendship Garden, RoHoEn. Since 1987 it has been a staple of Phoenix and it's culture. Something is amiss though. Greedy Capitalists have been buying up property around town with malintent and now they've set their sights on RoHoEn...

-Fully playable recreation of the RoHoEn Friendship Garden in Downtown Phoenix.
-Play as either Bulk or Slim, the Guardians of the Garden.
-Enjoy stellar artwork by Awacato and Very Evil Tomato.
-Listen to the phenomenal soundtrack by Phoenix local MercuriusFM.

RoHoEn Rumble Screenshots