At the present time, the resources of the public sector are becoming increasingly scarce, among which not least also suffers the quality of care of public places and spaces. So it is inevitable in the future, in my view, to take as part of the volunteer work things into their own hands, so we design and optimize our environment in its perception. Because we want to feel good in our place!
After several days of action, we held in the past, where we took care mainly to the planting and maintenance of flower beds in place, will be organized from now on projects that contribute to the beautification of our village and increase the attractiveness of, the village initiative Gereonsweiler eV.
All interested fellow citizens are always welcome to contribute ideas to accompany and contribute to beautify our Gereonsweiler projects.
The Association may implement only with the support of many people's goals, therefore you become a member and contribute to making our country attractive!
After several days of action, we held in the past, where we took care mainly to the planting and maintenance of flower beds in place, will be organized from now on projects that contribute to the beautification of our village and increase the attractiveness of, the village initiative Gereonsweiler eV.
All interested fellow citizens are always welcome to contribute ideas to accompany and contribute to beautify our Gereonsweiler projects.
The Association may implement only with the support of many people's goals, therefore you become a member and contribute to making our country attractive!
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