Hundeschule * Dogs Opinion Easter Meier is located in the west of Munich. We are partner in matters of training / education of hunting dogs in non-hunters and hunters Hand Hand, problem dogs, puppies and Mantrailing, for all races. We carry out individual and group lessons, either on the dog place or on public transport base. For individual advice, please contact us at any time.
As public. Sworn. we create experts for the dog nature of essence and behavioral and race report for list dogs and other dogs.
With our app you will always be about our current activities to date, received a lot of information about dogs and can also schedule a consultation directly via App us.
As public. Sworn. we create experts for the dog nature of essence and behavioral and race report for list dogs and other dogs.
With our app you will always be about our current activities to date, received a lot of information about dogs and can also schedule a consultation directly via App us.
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