Prismity is a simple shape and color matching, hyper-casual game. The gameplay is really simple. There are three control elements, two on each side of the screen and one in the bottom. Side controllers have the exact same functionality, they are used to change the color of the platform. 3 colors are available, white, light green and dark green. On the bottom bar, there are 3 buttons with shapes in them. Those shapes include congruent polygons, multi-sided polygons and quadrilaterals. Each button changes the shape of the platform. In order to pass the incoming prism through the platform, the player must choose the correct platform shape and color, with respect to the prism.
Music from: Coriolis Effect by logos (c) copyright 2010 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Ft: stefsax
Music from: Coriolis Effect by logos (c) copyright 2010 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Ft: stefsax
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