Börner icon


SCT Schiele GmbH
500+ downloads

About Börner

Our online store optimized as an app. So you can easily check at any time from your phone or tablet to the current status of their orders, making new orders or check the availability of parts in the next pick-up market. With the app, you have the exact ingredients of the online system which you need on the go access to - the whole course visually processed and correspondingly easy to use.

The article detailed information will show you the next pick-up markets in the Börner group. Start with a click, for example, the included in the stock Availability navigation, which leads directly to the next pick-up market. In addition, the barcode scanning via the built-in camera has been integrated. To help you find items without the search function.

Download the app nevertheless best equal down and see for yourself.

Note: The app is specifically aimed at customers of the Börner group. To access a login is required. For questions, please feel free to contact your representative!

Provider of the app:
Börner home automation KG
Messerschmittstrasse 5
85053 Ingolstadt

Börner Screenshots