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Bridges And Castles

Dmitriy Akira
10+ downloads

About Bridges And Castles

Connect the dots with bridges in the correct sequence. Drive the invaders from your lands. Seek help in the Allied castles.

Your lands have been attacked by an enemy, and you need to protect them.
You start playing with a small detachment of allied troops, but with each turn your strength will increase.

You can diplomatically convince the troops in the castles to follow you, but make sure before you do that you are strong enough for people to follow you.

Every bridge built in the right direction will bring you closer to an imminent victory!

Make the right strategic decisions and free your lands from invaders.

This game teaches strategic thinking and develops the brain. Use your wits!

Free the captured villages and let the civilians breathe freely.

Build your own castle!

Bridges And Castles Screenshots