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Cabot Technology Solutions
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About OAE

The Office Anesthesia Evaluation program is an initiative of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS)and is designed to assure that each practicing member adheres to the safe office-based anesthesia (OBA) compliance requirements. The app consists of four main features: Office Anesthesia Evaluation, Anesthesia survey, Mock drills and Emergency simulations. The OAE App assists the examiners and the examinees to complete the evaluation of the anesthesia setup at a clinical office facility, end to end, just by a few clicks. The user can submit their Anesthesia Survey through the app. The user can add logs for Mock Drills conducted and Emergency Simulations watched. The user can maintain their profile details, add/edit profile and office details, the user has the options to add their primary and secondary offices from the google map. The OAE app provides the account deletion feature in the user profile. The Help query menu provides the sample Get Started Video. Users can also raise queries on the app functionality from the help menu.

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