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Prayer Notes

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About Prayer Notes

User-driven content

Proverbs 15.29 The LORD is far from the wicked: But he heareth the prayer of the righteous

Create your library of powerful prayers.

Prayer Notes is not attached to any Ministry so you can use the Prayer Notes App no matter who or what ministry you follow. Use Prayer Notes as a tool in your spiritual warfare.

We have preloaded 3 Prayers to the APP to get you started.

Prayer against Poverty
Prayer against Eating in dreams
Prayer against sexual dreams

With This Prayer Notes Full Version you can
1. List a prayer
2. Edit a Prayer
3. Save unlimited number of prayer titles for offline use.
4. Share a Prayer to the public suggested /prayer guide
5. Ask Admin to add a particular prayer to suggested /prayer guide
6. Create categories for prayer titles
7. Customize your home screen daily image screen image and bible verse.
8. Share prayers to various platforms
9. Ask Admin to add a particular prayer to suggested /prayer guide
10.No Ads

Your Prayer organization just got easier. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.

The Prayer Notes APP is an & Production

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