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The AMIR student application is the main tool with which each of them can interact with the content offered digitally, as well as the most important resources available for their preparation.

The student will have access to a digital application where they can carry out the following activities:

• Correct the mandatory drills carried out according to the calendar to quickly obtain the result, the comparison with the previous drills, the percentile with respect to the rest of the opponents, and so on. A tool to control the evolution of the opponent and detect possible points of improvement.
• Carry out mini-drills or complete extraordinary online drills according to the tutor's guidelines. A fundamental strategy to improve the ability to control time in the exam.
• Carry out self-evaluations of one or several subjects simultaneously, with a number of questions of the student's choice and the possibility of choosing between real questions from the MIR or others. Essential to review once each subject has been studied and identify those in which preparation must be reinforced.
• Monitor individual evolution, with data broken down by subjects and comparative graphs with the rest of the students.
• Selectively review the failed questions ("History of failures"), and be able to re-perform personalized examinations only of the errors previously committed, something essential to correct theoretical errors.
• Selectively review questions from our entire database ("Question Finder"), whether or not included in the drills, and review the teacher's comment.
• Set scoring objectives based on the specialty you want to do, the city where you want to reside or the position you want to obtain to see how much we have left to reach them or if we are reaching them.
• My questions - Fat Book, where you can access, answer and review the questions of the official MIR exams of the last 10 years filtered by subject and topic, as well as the comments of their teachers.
• Access AMIR TV, our tool for live online classes and prerecorded classes that will review each and every one of the concepts necessary for the MIR exam through our teaching team.
• Conduct surveys of each of the classes taught and of the personal tutor, with the aim of always maintaining the highest quality standards of the AMIR team, as well as accessing the total quality of service survey that is carried out once the preparation has been completed. from the student.
• Communicate suggestions, doubts or problems to the AMIR team as a quick way to resolve possible issues that may arise.
• Individualized monitoring. The student application allows the student to evaluate their evolution over time: how they have been improving subject by subject and progressing in their overall score. The system incorporates an analysis of the percentile that the student occupies with respect to the rest of the students, as well as an estimator program of the virtual position in the MIR based on the result of the drill and their file, with a margin of error of less than 5%. In this way the student can detect those subjects in which he needs more reinforcement and those whose knowledge he has better consolidated in order to individualize his preparation based on their characteristics. All these data are also available to the tutor assigned to the student, who will be up to date on all their progress to be able to detect problems in examination technique or content problems and help each student specifically in their needs, with early interventions as these are detected. needs to achieve the expected results.
• Access to podcast. In our application you will be able to access sound content of each of the topics in our classes through an audio podcast functionality.

AMIR APP Screenshots