AÇIBAIŞI is an online school newspaper where students, teachers and parents share their views on many events and situations. On the site, you can find novels, stories, poems, interviews and cartoon characters.
The aim of acibakisi.com, which is completely free to its readers, aims to encourage the poet, storyteller, novelist and writer of the future today. You can also see the productions of our students and teachers on the social networks of our site.
There are also online trials and applications on our site.
We invite you to become a member to shape the future.
The aim of acibakisi.com, which is completely free to its readers, aims to encourage the poet, storyteller, novelist and writer of the future today. You can also see the productions of our students and teachers on the social networks of our site.
There are also online trials and applications on our site.
We invite you to become a member to shape the future.
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