This app offers you didactically and historically processed information about the White Rose. It takes you on four different tours (20 minutes each) through the main building of the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU). The app is primarily designed for use at the historical location, but can also be used from any other location. You will also be introduced to the White Rose leaflets.
About the white rose
The leaflets form the core of the resistance of the Freundeskreis, which resisted the Nazi regime during the Second World War.
It was created around Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell. The closest circle also included Willi Graf, Prof. Kurt Huber, Christoph Probst and Sophie Scholl. They were supported in their resistance by friends and acquaintances.
Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell wrote and mailed four leaflets from June to July 1942. In these they criticized the Nazi regime and called for passive resistance. Later Willi Graf, Christoph Probst and Sophie Scholl took an active part in the reproduction and distribution of a fifth and sixth leaflet. Professor Huber also supported the students - he wrote almost the entire sixth leaflet.
Because of their resistance, Willi Graf, Prof. Kurt Huber, Christoph Probst, Alexander Schmorell, Hans Scholl and Sophie Scholl were sentenced to death by the Nazi regime and executed.
a look behind the scenes
White Rose - The app was created through a cooperation between the White Rose Foundation and the Chair for Didactics of German Language and Literature at LMU Munich. Two teacher training students are responsible for creating the content. The aim of the app is to make the history of the White Rose as easily accessible as possible for everyone. In this way we hope to contribute to the fact that other generations will remember the courage and values of the Circle of Friends.
About the white rose
The leaflets form the core of the resistance of the Freundeskreis, which resisted the Nazi regime during the Second World War.
It was created around Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell. The closest circle also included Willi Graf, Prof. Kurt Huber, Christoph Probst and Sophie Scholl. They were supported in their resistance by friends and acquaintances.
Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell wrote and mailed four leaflets from June to July 1942. In these they criticized the Nazi regime and called for passive resistance. Later Willi Graf, Christoph Probst and Sophie Scholl took an active part in the reproduction and distribution of a fifth and sixth leaflet. Professor Huber also supported the students - he wrote almost the entire sixth leaflet.
Because of their resistance, Willi Graf, Prof. Kurt Huber, Christoph Probst, Alexander Schmorell, Hans Scholl and Sophie Scholl were sentenced to death by the Nazi regime and executed.
a look behind the scenes
White Rose - The app was created through a cooperation between the White Rose Foundation and the Chair for Didactics of German Language and Literature at LMU Munich. Two teacher training students are responsible for creating the content. The aim of the app is to make the history of the White Rose as easily accessible as possible for everyone. In this way we hope to contribute to the fact that other generations will remember the courage and values of the Circle of Friends.
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