paugeraning urip wong jawa is an application containing advice from pitutur wong jowo, namely:
- Hakul Yakin is handling a gusti
- Nuhanana mring bapa biyung ira
- The rules of the deed are really good
- Reksanen soul raganira
- Karma iku mesthi tumeka
- Dhalane urip kudhu makarya
- Manners of compulsory tumrape manungsa
- Sesrawungan dimenembembaka lan strong
- Waspadhaha marang owah gingsiring prisoners
- Lekase wong urip mesthi rekasa
- Padhudhon may be like a bubrah
- Dasarana jiwo raganira marang sells tarak brata
- Jalma tan gets kinira
- Yayah is happy with the student
- Nyenyamah asthma of seagrass sira tumindhak culika
- Marsudhiya is an act of security
- Gegayuhan kudhu is very healthy
- Babahan hawa was very busy, and was guarded
- Thethunch iku rewangira urip
- Don't let the prayer be defeated
- Hakul Yakin is handling a gusti
- Nuhanana mring bapa biyung ira
- The rules of the deed are really good
- Reksanen soul raganira
- Karma iku mesthi tumeka
- Dhalane urip kudhu makarya
- Manners of compulsory tumrape manungsa
- Sesrawungan dimenembembaka lan strong
- Waspadhaha marang owah gingsiring prisoners
- Lekase wong urip mesthi rekasa
- Padhudhon may be like a bubrah
- Dasarana jiwo raganira marang sells tarak brata
- Jalma tan gets kinira
- Yayah is happy with the student
- Nyenyamah asthma of seagrass sira tumindhak culika
- Marsudhiya is an act of security
- Gegayuhan kudhu is very healthy
- Babahan hawa was very busy, and was guarded
- Thethunch iku rewangira urip
- Don't let the prayer be defeated
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