Get the Afro+ short-form video app.
Make or watch for free the next big short video uploaded by talented, diverse and passionate creators from around the world. Watch captivating short films, funny web comedy shorts, true documentary stories, 2D and 3D adult and kids animation. All videos are vetted first by the Afro+ team before publishing to the platform. Endless video scrolling, personalize videos by genre and watch in full screen landscape mode.
Afro+ is free to sign-up and use for creators and viewers.
* Download the app and sign up with your Gmail, Apple, Facebook, Email account or mobile phone number
* Upload video (35 sec to 17 min) through the Afro+ app or website
* Share video with audiences interested in diverse voices and cultural storytelling
* Rack up new followers, when your content appears in Afro+ Trending
* Get a message alert on your smartphone, when someone follows you
* Upload beautiful designed cover video photo artwork
* Manage Video - edit video data right from your smartphone
* Analytics - track performance, views, likes of your videos
* Access to a savvy mobile audience interested in your unique storytelling
* Partnership Center - Connect with brands who are interested in collaborating with Afro+ creative community
* Discover great entertainment from diverse creators, small and medium-size film studios
* Enjoy an endless stream of short-form entertainment content from creators from around the globe
* Watch videos in horizontal full screen viewing mode
* Afro+ team reviews each video before publishing to the platform
* Personalize your viewing experience by selecting a genre category
* Locate videos easily by searching creator’s name or title
* My List - save videos to your library and watch at a later time
* Trending - Discover top videos by popular global creators of the day
* Easily share videos on social media or WhatsApp
* Express your feeling with a text comment on a video
Download the Afro+ app now to watch entertaining short films, web comedy, documentary, animation and explore much more!
SMS data rates may apply. Check with your carrier.
Make or watch for free the next big short video uploaded by talented, diverse and passionate creators from around the world. Watch captivating short films, funny web comedy shorts, true documentary stories, 2D and 3D adult and kids animation. All videos are vetted first by the Afro+ team before publishing to the platform. Endless video scrolling, personalize videos by genre and watch in full screen landscape mode.
Afro+ is free to sign-up and use for creators and viewers.
* Download the app and sign up with your Gmail, Apple, Facebook, Email account or mobile phone number
* Upload video (35 sec to 17 min) through the Afro+ app or website
* Share video with audiences interested in diverse voices and cultural storytelling
* Rack up new followers, when your content appears in Afro+ Trending
* Get a message alert on your smartphone, when someone follows you
* Upload beautiful designed cover video photo artwork
* Manage Video - edit video data right from your smartphone
* Analytics - track performance, views, likes of your videos
* Access to a savvy mobile audience interested in your unique storytelling
* Partnership Center - Connect with brands who are interested in collaborating with Afro+ creative community
* Discover great entertainment from diverse creators, small and medium-size film studios
* Enjoy an endless stream of short-form entertainment content from creators from around the globe
* Watch videos in horizontal full screen viewing mode
* Afro+ team reviews each video before publishing to the platform
* Personalize your viewing experience by selecting a genre category
* Locate videos easily by searching creator’s name or title
* My List - save videos to your library and watch at a later time
* Trending - Discover top videos by popular global creators of the day
* Easily share videos on social media or WhatsApp
* Express your feeling with a text comment on a video
Download the Afro+ app now to watch entertaining short films, web comedy, documentary, animation and explore much more!
SMS data rates may apply. Check with your carrier.
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