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About MadeinLoco#Ceramica#Cartapesta

The eBook "Made in Loco # # Cartapesta Ceramica" proposes, with reflections, pictures and videos, a summary of the third edition of the Residences Artist Project Made in Loco.
Made in Loco is a project of the Regional Secretariat MiBACT of Puglia, the discovery and exploitation, also from a tourism, handicraft of excellence that Puglia expresses its talent and knowledge, willing to accept new creative experiences. Born in 2014, it has come to its third edition in Grottaglie, Laterza and Lecce.
Funded in the first two steps with funds provided by the Puglia region in the context of the ERDF (OP 2007-2013) this year was funded POIn (Interregional Operational Programme 2007-2013 ERDF Apulia "Attractors cultural, natural and tourism" - Axis II Action Line II 2.1 - Intervention to regional ownership "Intangible and tourist development of the territory").
Made in Loco he wants to strengthen the bond between art, creativity, forms of artistic excellence and training. The project is now in its third edition and the sixth artist residency, following a well-tested and successful format that has seen animated sequence of exhibitions and events Municipalities of Grottaglie, Laterza and Lecce.
The residences Grottaglie and Laterza: ceramics Apulian tradition and innovation have experienced in the second edition of the relationship between ceramics and new technologies, and through the "narratives" usable App dedicated - swipe story - or through performance Finger painting. The interpretation of the ceramic artist Anglo / Canadian Matthew Watkins realizzatasi for finissage Grottaglie.
During the residencies, the Dutch artist Mara van Wees in Grottaglie and Jasmine Pignatelli in Laterza - selected through public tender by the Scientific Committee of the project - took part in meetings, seminars, workshops and study-visit by helping to revive the relationship with the new generations and especially with students of art schools.
All materials products (studies, films, drawings, photographs) were also used in the campaign that has accompanied every stage of the project and that he used not only the usual forms, channels "social".
Lecce papier mache and papier-mâché marks the first edition due to the art of paper mache in Lecce with the intervention of the artist Federica Ricotti.
The city of Salento is certainly the center spread of this artistic production and that is where the papier-mâché has had its most prosperous seasons. Used especially in sculpture, she played the role of "surrogate wooden sculptures", ideal for its lightness and poverty.
The eBook is also accessible in English through the flag selection.

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