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ليان و سارة

Ajmal Inc,
1,000+ downloads

About ليان و سارة

The application of Lian and Sarah is a game and an educational application that aims to teach children letters and words by teaching numbers and tables of multiplication, division and addition, with simple and easy games. With the addition of visual and sound effects that motivate the child to listen with concentration and prevent boredom.

The application also contains mathematics and arithmetic tables in Arabic numbers. Young children and the early stages of the school are taught from the first grade to the third grade of primary school. School tables are presented with an easy presentation of audio and video and beautiful movements.

The hangman game has been added: the hangman game is an interesting and beautiful game that challenges access to the appropriate letters of words before the opportunities expire and the person hanging by the rope is completed. It motivates children to spell Arabic words into letters. Opportunities expire.

As part of the entertainment, drawing tools have been added so that children can draw and unload energies within the application. It is possible to draw and share what the child has drawn with family and friends and keep it, not only that, but there have been educational videos to teach drawing for children, in a beautiful and very easy way.

The Lian and Sarah application contains games for children with the aim of confirming and testing the child’s abilities after learning both reading and writing the Arabic language. There are challenges and questions for letters and words with linking them to animated live images to help the child answer.

Math game addition, subtraction and multiplication by adding shapes and images that help the child to learn arithmetic operations in an innovative and scientific way.

It is worth noting that the application does not need the Internet to run, as the Lyan and Sarah application works without the Internet as well.

Application contents:
1- Multiplication tables
2- Subtraction tables
3- Addition tables
4- Arabic letters
5- Words with letters
6- Drawing
7- Questions and answers
8- The hangman game

In conclusion, an interesting application for learning and playing at the same time motivates the child with modern scientific methods to learn in a simple and easy way, while the child plays and enjoys, he can memorize all math arithmetic tables, as well as enjoy learning to draw, there is learning Arabic letters and linking them to words and images and many beautiful educational games with sound and visual effects , Come on now, play and learn with the application and game of Layan and Sarah