To monitor all operations and to minimize the probability of error. GesGenSuite allows you to record the first note and also to memorize some details that allow us to better control the movements.
It allows you to enter a specific balance categorized by Type (eg Cash or Payment), for payment Madalita (eg Credit Card or Wire Transfer or Cash or Suspended), per Customer (eg Beverage, Food, Closing Cash ..); in addition, you can take or upload a photo of a tax document and associate it with the balance.
Allows you to view your balance categorized by Type (eg Period or Day), by Customer (eg Beverage or Food ..); will carry out the daily balance for each day with the respective collections, payments or suspended; will carry out the weekly / monthly / annual balance for the period with the respective collections, payments or suspended; all associated with the details of each operation (carried out during insertion).
Allows you to view your products categorized by Category (eg Water, Bread ..), by Supplier; will display a list of all products with respective request sections.
It allows to manage and send email requests to trusted suppliers through NotificationsCenter services.
All Managed by a web portal controlling users of a given structure and the active permissions for the sections.
For information: Via Torino 14, San Nicola La Strada (CE)
+ (39) 0823 49 49 35
It allows you to enter a specific balance categorized by Type (eg Cash or Payment), for payment Madalita (eg Credit Card or Wire Transfer or Cash or Suspended), per Customer (eg Beverage, Food, Closing Cash ..); in addition, you can take or upload a photo of a tax document and associate it with the balance.
Allows you to view your balance categorized by Type (eg Period or Day), by Customer (eg Beverage or Food ..); will carry out the daily balance for each day with the respective collections, payments or suspended; will carry out the weekly / monthly / annual balance for the period with the respective collections, payments or suspended; all associated with the details of each operation (carried out during insertion).
Allows you to view your products categorized by Category (eg Water, Bread ..), by Supplier; will display a list of all products with respective request sections.
It allows to manage and send email requests to trusted suppliers through NotificationsCenter services.
All Managed by a web portal controlling users of a given structure and the active permissions for the sections.
For information: Via Torino 14, San Nicola La Strada (CE)
+ (39) 0823 49 49 35
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