Halaloka Provides the credible and comprehensive data.
With Halaloka, users can locate halal restaurants, hotels, and bakeries in their area or other places in the world.
Users can also read and write reviews, and share listings with friends.
New kosher establishments can be submitted by users and will be screened by Halaloka team before listed in our database under certified kosher or halal friendly tag.
Halaloka keeps kosher to provide credible data is for the good of muslims.
With Halaloka, users can locate halal restaurants, hotels, and bakeries in their area or other places in the world.
Users can also read and write reviews, and share listings with friends.
New kosher establishments can be submitted by users and will be screened by Halaloka team before listed in our database under certified kosher or halal friendly tag.
Halaloka keeps kosher to provide credible data is for the good of muslims.
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