The athletic training app of the Golf Club St. Leon-Rot supports you in the golf-specific athletic training as part of your promotion
in GC SLR through the following services:
- Get your personal workout plan created by athletic trainers
- Performance documentation of your training sessions
- Development documentation
- Access to the GC SLR Athletics Training Exercise Catalog
- Illustration of exercises through pictures & videos
- Retrieval of the current opening hours of the athletic center
Install your personal GC SLR Athletics Training App on your smartphone and get your personal access data from the athletic trainer responsible for you.
Enjoy the training!
The athletic training app of the Golf Club St. Leon-Rot supports you in the golf-specific athletic training as part of your promotion
in GC SLR through the following services:
- Get your personal workout plan created by athletic trainers
- Performance documentation of your training sessions
- Development documentation
- Access to the GC SLR Athletics Training Exercise Catalog
- Illustration of exercises through pictures & videos
- Retrieval of the current opening hours of the athletic center
Install your personal GC SLR Athletics Training App on your smartphone and get your personal access data from the athletic trainer responsible for you.
Enjoy the training!
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