Aku Pintar Counselor is an application from Aku Pintar specifically for counselors to conduct counseling sessions with Aku Pintar users via video calls or chat. You can join as a counselor at Aku Pintar Konselor if you are a counselor, psychologist, BK teacher, and other counseling professions.
Help Students with Counseling.
You will connect with students to work together to solve problems through Aku Pintar Counselor.
Understand Each Individual's Personality.
I am a Smart Counselor gives you the opportunity to understand a wide variety of students in different types of counselling.
Make it easy with Online Counseling.
Flexible and not place-bound, give your counseling online.
Expand Your Exposure.
With hundreds of thousands of Aku Pintar users, you can expand your exposure and increase your branding.
Increase Your Flying Hours as a Counselor.
You can enrich your experience as a Counselor at Aku Pintar Konselor.
Simplify counseling activities in one application. Make teaching and learning activities and counseling easier. Use the Aku Pintar Counselor application right now, all features are FREE!
What are you waiting for? Download Aku Pintar Counselor right now!
Instagram : @akupintar.id
Youtube : I'm Smart
Tiktok : @akupintar.id
Twitter : @akupintar.id
Website : akupintar.id
Help Students with Counseling.
You will connect with students to work together to solve problems through Aku Pintar Counselor.
Understand Each Individual's Personality.
I am a Smart Counselor gives you the opportunity to understand a wide variety of students in different types of counselling.
Make it easy with Online Counseling.
Flexible and not place-bound, give your counseling online.
Expand Your Exposure.
With hundreds of thousands of Aku Pintar users, you can expand your exposure and increase your branding.
Increase Your Flying Hours as a Counselor.
You can enrich your experience as a Counselor at Aku Pintar Konselor.
Simplify counseling activities in one application. Make teaching and learning activities and counseling easier. Use the Aku Pintar Counselor application right now, all features are FREE!
What are you waiting for? Download Aku Pintar Counselor right now!
Instagram : @akupintar.id
Youtube : I'm Smart
Tiktok : @akupintar.id
Twitter : @akupintar.id
Website : akupintar.id
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