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اختبار نسبة الحب للبنات

AK World Apps
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About اختبار نسبة الحب للبنات

Welcome all of you, today we offer you a new application that is a test of the scale of the percentage of love for girls, the test of love is questions to find out how much you love your lover.

To fall in love and to be in love does not necessarily mean that you are 100% fascinated and adored by the lover, it is important to know how to distinguish between these degrees of love and love, here is this test that will show the percentage of your love for your partner.

Some examples of the questions in the application:

What strikes you most about a man?
If your partner ate a plate containing garlic, what would you do?
Your partner brought a pet and you do not like animals in general, how do you react?
How many photos do you have of your partner?
On one occasion your partner told a funny story, but it did not impress you. How do you react?

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