Your secret weapon to pass the Nautical License exam!
App updated to the latest Ministerial Quizzes (2022 / 2023) for Sailing and Motor licenses, Within and Over 12 miles!
➤ Prepare yourself with the Quizzes divided by category, the games included and the exam simulation.
➤ Learn from mistakes thanks to the comments and explanations available for each quiz.
➤ Strengthen weaknesses with review features.
➤ Track your improvements with statistics.
➤ With simple and intuitive graphics for ease of use.
App updated to the latest Ministerial Quizzes (2022 / 2023) for Sailing and Motor licenses, Within and Over 12 miles!
➤ Prepare yourself with the Quizzes divided by category, the games included and the exam simulation.
➤ Learn from mistakes thanks to the comments and explanations available for each quiz.
➤ Strengthen weaknesses with review features.
➤ Track your improvements with statistics.
➤ With simple and intuitive graphics for ease of use.
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