- Ads-free daily weather forecast
- High accuracy weather forecast
- Forecast weathers all around the world
- Switch to different cities anytime
- Support more than 200,000 + cities
- Saves your favorite cities for easy access
- Timezones change according to the local location
~ Dark Mode enabled!
~ Heart-warming custom illustrations
~ Support switching between Celsius and Fahrenheit
~ Support 12-hour and 24-hour format
Widget - Coming soon!
- High accuracy weather forecast
- Forecast weathers all around the world
- Switch to different cities anytime
- Support more than 200,000 + cities
- Saves your favorite cities for easy access
- Timezones change according to the local location
~ Dark Mode enabled!
~ Heart-warming custom illustrations
~ Support switching between Celsius and Fahrenheit
~ Support 12-hour and 24-hour format
Widget - Coming soon!
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