Day of prayer with the application and find separate prayer for 365 days, you can start with a new prayer every day. You can read all the prayers without limitation day by day and you can share with your loved ones that you like, if you want a prayer.
Application examples you'll find in prayer:
-> O our Almighty Lord! Us alone makes you subservient Muslim. Educate our descendants a Muslim nation alone shows you surrender. And we see our way to worship, here you accept our repentance. Surely the best way that accepts repentance, Most Merciful but You!
-> God! Watch us in our love and faith decorating her heart. Profanity, deviance and rebellion in ugly and gleefully showed us all of us marching straight down the road.
-> God! Verily, you are forgiving, You love forgiveness, forgive me.
-> God! give us an opportunity to cut our hope the mercy! Do not deprive us from Sıyanet! And oh homeless person, Dai your Ünsi breeze to be with us!
-> God! burhan will also support those who sent us before the Almighty. Right-truths, benign and let my mind and the way our path is always clear statement of our friends gleefully.
Application examples you'll find in prayer:
-> O our Almighty Lord! Us alone makes you subservient Muslim. Educate our descendants a Muslim nation alone shows you surrender. And we see our way to worship, here you accept our repentance. Surely the best way that accepts repentance, Most Merciful but You!
-> God! Watch us in our love and faith decorating her heart. Profanity, deviance and rebellion in ugly and gleefully showed us all of us marching straight down the road.
-> God! Verily, you are forgiving, You love forgiveness, forgive me.
-> God! give us an opportunity to cut our hope the mercy! Do not deprive us from Sıyanet! And oh homeless person, Dai your Ünsi breeze to be with us!
-> God! burhan will also support those who sent us before the Almighty. Right-truths, benign and let my mind and the way our path is always clear statement of our friends gleefully.
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