The map covers the area between longitudes 10° und 12° and the northern latitudes 48° and 49°.
Cities on the maps
★ Aalen
★ Augsburg
★ Bad Wörishofen
★ Donauwörth
★ Ingolstadt
★ Kelheim
★ Landsberg (Lech)
★ München
★ Pfaffenhofen (Ilm)
★ Treuchtlingen
Regions on the maps
★ Fränkische Alb
★ Schwäbische Alb
Cities on the maps
★ Aalen
★ Augsburg
★ Bad Wörishofen
★ Donauwörth
★ Ingolstadt
★ Kelheim
★ Landsberg (Lech)
★ München
★ Pfaffenhofen (Ilm)
★ Treuchtlingen
Regions on the maps
★ Fränkische Alb
★ Schwäbische Alb
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