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Perpustakaan Islam Salafiyah

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About Perpustakaan Islam Salafiyah

Bismillah ... was sholatu Wassalamu rosulillah ala ... wa 'ala alihi shohbihi wa wa man tabi'a hudah ...
amma ba'du:

Salafi Islamic Library:
Library contains dozens of books and articles in Aqeedah and fiqh.

Library Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah
المكتبة الاسلامية السلفية
أهل السنة والجماعة
اللغة: الإندونيسية

The characteristics of the library:
1 - bersaiz small.
2 - No need to connect to the Internet
3 - Find the books.
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Tawheed: -

Problem 1: To what God created us?
Answer: He created us to worship Him and not associate him with nothing.
Postulate of Remembrance:

{وما خلقت الجن والأنس إلا ليعبدون}
We did not create the jinn and mankind except that they worship Me. (Surat adh Dzariyat: 56)
Postulate of the Sunnah:

{حق الله على العباد أن يعبدوه ولا يشركوا به شيئا}
The right of Allah over His servants that they worship Him and not associate him with something else. (Muttafaq alaih).

Problem 2: How do we worship the Almighty?
Answer: As Allah and His Messenger commanded.
Postulate of Remembrance:

{وما أمروا إلا ليعبدوا الله مخلصين له الدين}
And they were not commanded except to worship Allah in order to just mengikhlaskan deen Him. (Surat al-Bayyinah: 5).
Postulate of the Sunnah:

(من عمل عملا ليس عليه أمرنا فهو رد (رواه مسلم
Anyone who did a charity that does not exist in practice it ajarankami then rejected. (HR.Muslim)

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