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Brainiest Mind

Alvis Software
100+ downloads

About Brainiest Mind

This is a crazy guessing game.

How To Play?
There are 9 levels in this game. In each level, you are suppose to guess a number (X), starting from a single digit number (the easiest) to the 9-digits number (the most difficult). After each guess, you will be given a hint that indicates how good is your guess. The closer the hint is to "1" the better.

A hint greater than "1" (eg. 1.5) means that the number you have guessed is bigger than the number X.
A hint lesser than "1" (eg. 0.5) means that the number you have guessed is smaller than the number X.
A hint value of 0.9.. is better than a hint value of 0.5..

In order to unlock the next level, you are required to find the number X within a specific time.

Share this game with your friends. Challenge them to see who can find the number X within the shortest period of time, and who has the Brainiest Mind to crack Level 9! See your names appear on the Leaderboard!!

Brainiest Mind Screenshots