Surat Al-Rahman without Net is a civil surah with a special noticeable format. It is an important announcement in the arena of the Great Existence, and a notification of the dazzling and apparent graces of God, in the beauty of His creation, in the abundance of His bounties, and in His management of existence and what is in it, and directing all creatures to His Noble Face. Both, in the arena of existence on the scene of every being, with their challenge if they possess the denial of the bounties of God, a challenge that is repeated after the statement of every blessing that he prepares and separates, and makes the entire universe exposed to it, and the arena of the Hereafter as well.
The application of Surat Al-Rahman is a voice without the net or “Sourat Arrahman” enables you to read and listen to this surah in the voice of a group of distinguished readers, with the hope that we have succeeded in this program, and if you have any question or inquiry, please send it via the comments below or via our email With many thanks to all.
The application of Surat Al-Rahman is a voice without the net or “Sourat Arrahman” enables you to read and listen to this surah in the voice of a group of distinguished readers, with the hope that we have succeeded in this program, and if you have any question or inquiry, please send it via the comments below or via our email With many thanks to all.
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