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My Appraisals

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About My Appraisals

Manage your business on the fly using the My Appraisals app! My Appraisals is the app built by Amrock Valuations for appraisal partners to accept and complete orders from a mobile device.

My Appraisals empowers appraisal partners to:

• Note your available times for new appraisal appointments with an availability calendar
• Call, email and text homeowners and agents using the Scheduling Dashboard
• Accept or decline available inspections in their surrounding area
• Access client info without leaving the app
• Greatly reduce calls with Amrock Valuations by messaging us directly
• View a pipeline of all orders and their current statuses in real time
• Sync appraisal appointments and due dates on their device’s calendar
• Schedule or reschedule inspections
• Mark an inspection complete or incomplete
• View order statuses and report due dates
• Receive reminders for inspections, post-inspections and past due reports

Get started today. Amrock Valuations does not condone app use while driving. If you have any questions or comments, give us a call at (888) 729-6339 or email us at

My Appraisals Screenshots