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Amwali (My Money)

5,000+ downloads

About Amwali (My Money)

Amwali (My Money) is an application that helps you manage your expenses and allow tracking them and thus easily control the excess disbursements.

ِAmwali allows you to do the following:

1- Create an unlimited number of accounts.
2- Create an unlimited number of categories.
3- Create of an unlimited number of time frames (periods).
4- Create an unlimited number of financial operations.
5- Set up an unlimited number of budgets with the ability to track their respective financial operations.
6- Create an unlimited number of savings accounts with the ability to track accounts financial operations.
7- Display reports based on the type of financial operation during a specific period of time or as a specific category.
8- Display brief overview of each account containing graphs and statistics and the latest financial processes.
9- Back up your data. (Locally and to Google drive)
10- Automatically back up your data on daily basis.
11- Create a password on application to protect your data.
12- Transfer amounts between accounts.
13- Scheduled Transactions and salaries (with salary count down)
14- Loans Management

Amwali supports these Languages:
1- English.
2- Arabic.

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