Biographical Dictionary explains the meaning of words in Russian. Is free!
♦ More than 132,000 definitions.
♦ Offline! It does not require an Internet connection. Internet connection is used only when the word is not found in the dictionary
♦ You can scroll through the words with your finger!
♦ Voice Recognition
♦ Threads text color determined by the user.
♦ Markers and history
♦ Random Search button, useful for learning new words
♦ Simple and functional user interface
♦ Copy definitions to the clipboard
♦ Dark interface
♦ Share your favorite definitions
♦ More than 132,000 definitions.
♦ Offline! It does not require an Internet connection. Internet connection is used only when the word is not found in the dictionary
♦ You can scroll through the words with your finger!
♦ Voice Recognition
♦ Threads text color determined by the user.
♦ Markers and history
♦ Random Search button, useful for learning new words
♦ Simple and functional user interface
♦ Copy definitions to the clipboard
♦ Dark interface
♦ Share your favorite definitions
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