Get free access to over 300 audio lectures by Mufti Ismail Musa Menk. For your convenience, the lectures are sorted by topics, such as Jewels From The Holy Quran or Stories Of The Prophets, only to name a few..
Also included is a link to Mufti Menk youtube channel with more lectures, interviews and videos.
To use audio files:
You have the choice of either listening via audio streaming from the internet or you can download the files to your device.
To download: select file, press long and see options.
* All files are streamed from the internet (internet connection needed to listen!)
* You can also download each MP3 file by using the download icon in the top right corner
* If file is downloaded, the app will serve the audio file directly from your device (no internet connection needed)
* Audio (streamed and downloaded) stops automatically when you receive a call
To share audio files, press long, select share to see options.
When you exit the app while an audio file is still active and playing, you can see a small music note in the notification bar. That is how you can get back to the app and either stop or change the station. App will not be listed in Task Manager.
To use video files:
The video content in this application is hosted on YouTube and is available in public domain. We have not uploaded any videos our self. This part of the application is just an organized way to browse and view Videos.
You can watch any video in full screen mode. Use your device in landscape orientation and click the "full screen icon" on the lower right corner of the video.
This is a FREE ad supported App, but without any annoying push ads!
About Mufti Ismail Ibn Musa Menk: Ismail Musa Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. He attained a degree in Shariah Law from the University of Madinah Munawwarah and specialized in Jurisprudence in Gujarat, India .
Mufti Menk is a broad minded, motivational speaker who has endeared himself to both Muslims and non Muslims.
Also included is a link to Mufti Menk youtube channel with more lectures, interviews and videos.
To use audio files:
You have the choice of either listening via audio streaming from the internet or you can download the files to your device.
To download: select file, press long and see options.
* All files are streamed from the internet (internet connection needed to listen!)
* You can also download each MP3 file by using the download icon in the top right corner
* If file is downloaded, the app will serve the audio file directly from your device (no internet connection needed)
* Audio (streamed and downloaded) stops automatically when you receive a call
To share audio files, press long, select share to see options.
When you exit the app while an audio file is still active and playing, you can see a small music note in the notification bar. That is how you can get back to the app and either stop or change the station. App will not be listed in Task Manager.
To use video files:
The video content in this application is hosted on YouTube and is available in public domain. We have not uploaded any videos our self. This part of the application is just an organized way to browse and view Videos.
You can watch any video in full screen mode. Use your device in landscape orientation and click the "full screen icon" on the lower right corner of the video.
This is a FREE ad supported App, but without any annoying push ads!
About Mufti Ismail Ibn Musa Menk: Ismail Musa Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. He attained a degree in Shariah Law from the University of Madinah Munawwarah and specialized in Jurisprudence in Gujarat, India .
Mufti Menk is a broad minded, motivational speaker who has endeared himself to both Muslims and non Muslims.
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